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About Law Faculty
To start a Wing of Legal Education in Tantia University is a vision-come- true of our Chairperson Smt. Sunita Tantia . In the past few years , Law has assumed a very important role in the modern society and hardly there is any part of our life , where law has not crept –in . Law encompasses all facts of human life and is omnipotent and omnipresent. The study of law is socially relevant, research-oriented and practical. To serve the purpose of law is to serve the whole man-kind in the present time . The aim of legal education is not only to produce lawyers but also Judges , Eminent Jurists, Law Officers & Law Professionals. Although theortically we say that ignorance of law is no excuse i.e.. everybody is supposed to know the law of the land but practically even a judge has to refer law books while deciding a case. Administration, Police, Justice, Legislation, Law Implementation, Law Interpretation ,Multi-national Companies banks other financial institutions everywhere knowledge of law has become very essential and hence the scope of law studies has become extensive .
Law faculty in Tantia University is a newly born Wing. Its main aim is to impart the best legal education with maximum facilities and to produce most worthy and talented legal professionals in this region to fulfill the requirements of present legal scenario by focusing specially on needy and deprived strata of our society. With this vision, the college aims at offering instructions in subjects having enormous potential of employment and which have acquired great social, economic and administrative relevance in the society. The Law Faculty of Tantia University is approved by the BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA .
Unique Teaching Patterns
This wing is a perfect blend of modern teaching techniques which consist of case analysis, case study & discussion. We focus more on imparting practical legal education which includes Moot Courts., Seminars, Workshops, Extension Lectures, Law Quiz and General knowledge Competetion, Debates, Group Discussions etc to keep the students always updated & motivated with the day to day development. The teaching methods devised in this college enable the students to have a clear grasp of the principles of law and also their practical application in problems around them in the society. Also our effort remains to include in them a vision for the reforms of social processes through the instrumentality of Law.
Student Hostel
The college is fully residential having separate hostel for boys and girls, each provided with common room, television room, water cooler, mess and internet Wi-Fi facility. The annual fee for the hostel is RS. 60,000/-. In addition to this, we also have residential quarters for the teaching faculty.
Games and Sports
The college has a stadium with cinder track for athletics and an indoor stadium for badminton and table tennis. The college has well developed football, basketball and cricket grounds.